Posts Tagged ‘siLentFect’

Someone’s Not Using siLentfect!

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 05-03-2010

Aaron does 2 transfections for optimal siRNA silencing. Does anyone else out there do that? If so, have you tried siLentfect? If you’re cells are amenable to being transfected in suspension you might want to try the protocol posted in how to perform efficient siRNA

How to Perform Highly Efficient Reverse siRNA Transfection

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 05-03-2010

Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are powerful tools to suppress gene expression in mamalian cells. While siRNA transfection can often be bogged down by cell seeding and density the highlited study demonstrates a highly efficient reverse siRNA transfection protocol for A549 cells using Bio-Rad’s siLentFect lipid reagent that does not require prior seeding of cells. Furtheromore, the simplicity of the protocol makes it suitable for high-throughput transfection. The authors acheived an average of 94% knockdown for the two genes that were targetted without impairing cell viability.

<highly efficient reverse siRNA transfection