Is American Research Going Down the Drain?

Disclosure: I don’t believe that we are in as bad a shape as some would have us believe. Nonetheless, in a recent survey conducted by Research!America more than half of likely voters doubt that the United States will be the No. 1 world leader in science, technology and health care by the year 2020.

Significant findings include:

  • 57% are upset by cuts in federal spending for medical and health research
  • 54% think that federal spending for medical and health research should be exempt from across-the-board cuts outlined in the Budget Control Act of 2011
  • 58% of Americans do not believe the United States will be a world leader in science and technology in 2020
  • 53% of Americans do not believe the United States will be a world leader in health care in 2020
  • 65% of Americans say it’s important that the U.S. is a leader in medical and health research
  • 85% of likely voters are concerned about the impact of a decreased federal investment in research, including the possibility of scientists leaving their profession or moving abroad to countries with a stronger investment in research
  • 66% of likely voters believe government investment in medical and health research will have an impact on the future of the United States
  • Nearly 70% of Americans believe science and math education will have an impact on the future of the United States

There is, of course, an upside to all of these negative findings, and that is that more than half of likely voters (64%) say they would be more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who supports increased government funding for medical and health research. We are fortunate to live in a strong democracy. We have the power to change the future!

What are your thoughts?

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