Try Nerdy blog show scientist have a sense of humor

In these lazy summer days I find myself spending more time looking for and reading interesting/humorous blog posts by fellow scientists. My latest find is a blog by American PhD candidate “Try Nerdy” (TN). Although I don’t know his/her real name, (it is not listed in the TN about page), I do know that TN is a molecular biologist who helps distill complicated scientific material into easily digestible bits for his/her non-scientist readership. TN also has a great sense of humor and publishes some captivating stuff including TN’s latest post “The Inside Jokes of Scientists.”

If you were ever curious as to how crazy sounding proteins such as R2D2 and C3PO got their names, check out TN’s blog.

I am a scientist and despite TN’s claim that Try Nerdy is not focused on scientists I will continue to follow. Keep up the good work TN!

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One Response to “Try Nerdy blog show scientist have a sense of humor”

  1. Brilliant - would not have found this without you, thanks

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